
Friday, 31 July 2015

Blog Commenting

These are the people and the class rooms I visited and also commented on, I was impressed with most of the blogs I visited.

Thursday, 23 July 2015



Non-fiction books are arranged on the shelves numerically.
The books are given a decimal number according to their subject.

Try putting these numbers in order.

1. 001 2. 362 3. 500 4.593.9
5. 610 6. 629.2 7. 737.5 8.745.5            9. 808.8 10.994

Look through the non-fiction shelves in the library.  What subjects do you find at these numbers.

004    data & computer services

796.3  Athletic & outdoor sport games

500 Natural Science and Mathematics
821 English Poetry
993.1 General history of Areas in New Zealand

At what Dewey Decimal number would you find the following subjects:
Myths and Legends?    753
Fashion? 687
Inventions? 608
Birds? 598

Fairy tales? 398.21

Part Adder

My Thinking group 8 used a website to help us use different ways  to make 26, We did 10 + 8+8  and 18 + 2+6 that made 26. After we did that we blog it.